Experts discuss sustainability in Myanmar’s diverse ecosystems

A workshop on disseminating skills and information for conducting community-based forest conservation in regions with different agricultural systems was held at Thingaha Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.

Deputy Director-General U Kyaw Kyaw Lwin first delivered opening remarks.

The workshop is part of the project to implement sustainable agricultural lands and forest resource administration system in Myanmar’s different ecosystems. It is led by FAO in collaboration with local NGOs and CSOs.

The project demonstrates agricultural systems that are appropriate for the changing climate in coastal areas, highlands and the tropical region in central Myanmar and implementing a sustainable forest administration system with local residents.

The project focuses on Mindat and Kanpetlet townships of Chin State for highlands, Labutta Township of Ayeyawady Region for coastal regions, and NyaungU and Kyaukpadaung townships of Mandalay Region for tropical regions.

The project’s procedure requires bringing NGOs and CSOs together and as such, this workshop is one of seven processes collaborated on by FAO and RECOFTC Myanmar.

The workshop promotes discussion on the challenges and advantages of operating public-owned forestry businesses in Myanmar’s three ecosystems, and to design future project tasks based on accumulated experiences. —MNA  (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)