Experts: Malaria can be eradicated by 2050

An international group of experts on malaria says the disease can be eradicated by 2050.


The mosquito-borne infectious disease kills more than 400,000 people every year, mainly in Africa.


The group of 41 experts from the United States and Africa released a report in the British medical journal, The Lancet, on Sunday.


It says recent advancement in the development of a vaccine and a three-fold increase in global funding to fight malaria from around 20 years ago has led them to believe malaria can be eradicated by 2050.


The report also says more studies on new technology should be conducted, and says an annual funding of about 6.2 billion dollars is needed for such research.


The experts call on governments, global organizations and regions to work together. They also say it's essential to accelerate investments by encouraging private foundations to join the effort.