Farmers switch modern system in agriculture increasing grain output

Myanmar farmers are adapting with modern agricultural technologies, and they have switched from the manual to the mechanized farming, in­creasing the output of rice, and meeting the domestic demand.


Since Myanmar is an agri­cultural country, more than 70 per cent of the country’s popu­lation is farmers, and in order to improve the lives of farm­ers, the government changed the manual farming system to a mechanized farming. In addition to monsoon farming, irrigated farming has been in­troduced by using dams, solar system irrigation, and under­ground water tapping to enable cultivation for the whole year.


From the previous sys­tem of monoculture farming per year, now double and tri­ple cropping systems and mixed-cropping are expanded to increase the yield and plant­ing methods. Officials from the Department of Agriculture in various townships have edu­cated the farmers the meth­ods of applying compost and fertilizers proportionately and demonstrated planting in the agricultural offices and in field.


In addition, the govern­ment is implementing the rural area development and poverty reduction projects as a national goal, developing the agricul­tural sector and improving the socioeconomic life of farmers. Therefore, the work of culti­vation, planting, seedling, and harvesting used to be carried out by humans are replaced with modern agricultural ma­chinery such as power-tillers, paddy transplanting machines, combine harvesters and trac­tors. Instead of the old vari­eties of paddy pedigrees, the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Agricultur­al Research jointly produced Hsin Thukha-1, Hsin Thukha-2, Hsin Thukha-3, Hsin Thukha-4, Shweyitoe, YMR-20 rice va­rieties and medium-grain high-quality rice varieties such as Sarphotha, Thai Hnankauk and GW-11 rice varieties. Pre­viously, 60 or 70 baskets of pad­dy per acre were produced but now the rate of rice production has improved significantly, and the output has increased from 90 to 120 baskets per acre. — Zaya Htet (Minbu)/TKO