Fighting between India and Pakistan intensifies

3 March


Tensions between India and Pakistan continue to intensify, even though an Indian pilot was released on Friday. Earlier in the week, the pilot's jet was shot down by Pakistani forces after it crossed the de facto border in the disputed Kashmir region. The pilot was later captured.


Around the time of the pilot's release, Indian and Pakistani troops started shelling each other again in Kashmir. The Pakistani government says five people were killed in areas it controls. The Indian government says three people were killed in areas under its control.


The Indian military has boosted troop levels in Kashmir. Pakistani forces have increased the number of troops deployed around the city of Sialkot, near the border. Last month in the region, 40 Indian security troops were killed in a suicide bombing, which was carried out by Pakistani Islamic militants.


In an effort to head off an all-out war between the nuclear-armed neighbors, the United States and other countries have been urging India and Pakistan to exercise restraint. But India has rejected a proposal by Pakistan to hold talks. India is also threatening to attack the Pakistani extremists' strongholds again.—NHK