Financial aid provided to elderly people, pregnant women, children in Bawlakhe Tsp.

Bawlakhe, 20 September

A ceremony to provide cash assistance to elderly people above 85 years old, pregnant women and children below two years old was held at the meeting hall of General Administration Department in Bawlakhe, Kayah State this morning.

At the event, the township Administrator U Myo Thant delivered an opening speech and clarified the purposes of cash donation for elderly people, pregnant women and children below two years old.

Afterwards, an official from the State Department of Social Welfare explained about the provision of cash assistance for elderly people, pregnant women and children above two years old.

Then, the state Hluttaw Representative U Soe Re and officials from the Township’s General Administration Department, Department of Social Welfare and Maternal and Child Welfare Association provided cash assistance to elderly people above 85 years old, pregnant women and children below two years old in the township for the months of July, August and September. Afterwards, a pregnant woman spoke words of thanks.—U Phoe Re, IPRD

Translated by JT