Financial aid provided to elderly people, pregnant women, children in Dimawso Tsp

Dimawso 14 September

A ceremony to provide cash assistance to elderly people, pregnant women and children below two years old was held at the hall of Saint Joseph Church in the town of Dimawso, Kayah State yesterday.

First of all, the State Chief Minister U L Phaung Shu delivered an opening speech and clarified the purposes of cash donation for elderly people, pregnant women and children below two years old.

Afterwards, an official from the State Department of Social Welfare provided social pension to elderly   people above 85 years old and presented cash assistance to pregnant women and children below two years old for three months (July, August and September).

Altogether 2648 people including 1338 pregnant women, 1310 children below two years old and 182 elderly people above 85 years old in the Township received cash assistance. 

Kaya State Chief Minister, the state Ministers, the state Advocate General, departmental officials, elderly people and invited guests attended the event, it is learnt.—Ri Re (Dimawso)
Translated by JT