Fire breaks out in Tanai Tsp

Tanai, 29 March


A fire burnt down a house, that belongs to U Shinlongan, north of “ Ledo” road  in Shinlonga village, Shinlonga village-tract of Tanai Township, Myitkyina District, Kachin state yesterday. 


The fire was supposed to have started at 3:45 pm from an ember left after cooking dinner in the small thatch-roofed house measuring four feet by three feet with bamboo floor and bamboo matting wall. The flame forced firefighters from Tanai Township Fire Services to rush to the scene. The firefighters managed to control the flame at 4:05 pm using a fire engine.


The fire caused K 187500 in loss, but no casualties were reported.— Township IPRD


Translated by Khine Thaw