Fire breaks out in Wetlet Twsp.

Wetlet, 19 July


A fire broke out at about 12:00 am on 19 July in a kitchen in Maukkyoe Village in Wetlet Township, Sagaing Region yesterday, according to an official from Swebo District Fire Services Department.


The fire was believed to have started from overheated wire in the kitchen of U Tun Tun in the village.


Firefighters from the township Fire Services Department rushed to the incident scene to put out the fire in collaboration with 21 auxiliary fire fighters, 16 police members and about 100 villagers using two fire engines and a water tanker. The blaze was totally extinguished at about 1:36 am.


The fire totally destroyed a kitchen and a granary of U Tun Tun. But no casualties were reported.—Moe Thauk (Shwebo)


Translated by JT