Fire destroyed 15 houses in Kyaimaraw Tsp.

Kyaikmaraw, 23 December

A fire broke out at about 1:45 pm yesterday and destroyed 15 houses in Letpan Village in Kyaikmaraw Tsp, Mon State.

The fire was believed to have started from overheated wires installed in the house of U Shwe and spread to another houses. 

Officials from Mon State Government and Firefighters from the Township Fire Services Department rushed to the scene to put out the fire in collaboration with local Policemen and 200 villagers using 20 fire engines. The fire was brought under control at about 2:20 pm and totally extinguished at about 2:30 pm. The fire totally destroyed 15 houses and a man was slightly injured.

Authorities filed a case against U Shwe, 55, for his negligence.—Moe Thauk(Shwebo)

Translated by JT