Fire destroys 14 houses in Ingapu Twsp.

Myanaung, 13 February

A fire broke out in Thetkepyin Village in Ingapu Township, Myanaung District of Ayeyawady Region at about 12:10 pm on February 12.  The fire was believed to have started from an ember left in the house of U Than Lwin Oo and spread to another 13 houses in the village.

A combined team comprising fire fighters from the Township Fire Services Department led by Chairman of the Township Administration Body U Aung Moe and the Township Police Chief Police Capt. Nyi Win Kyaw rushed to the incident scene to put out the fire in cooperation with locals and auxiliary firemen with two fire engines, and the blaze was completely extinguished at about 12:30 pm. 

A total of 14 houses were burned to ashes. But no casualty is reported in the incident, according to the Township Fire Services Department.—Man Kyaw(IPRD)

Translated by JT