Fire destroys house, three shops in Tanai Tsp.

Tanai, 9 March


A Fire broke out at around 10:30 pm yesterday in Hukaung Ward in the town of Tanai, Kachin State, and destroyed a house and three shops.


The fire was thought to have started from an ember left in the shop of Aung Myo Win.


Firemen from the Township Fire Services Department rushed to the scene to fight the fire with the use of a water tanker and a fire engine in cooperation with locals and the blaze was successfully extinguished at around 11:30 pm.


The fire destroyed three shops and a house, causing a loss of K 4.6 million. Authorities filed a case against Aung Myo Win for his negligence.—Sai Htin Kyaw, IPRD


Translated by JT