Fire destroys two houses in Myeik Tsp

Myeik, 1 April   


Two houses were destroyed in a fire that happened at about 8:05 pm on 31 March at the junction of Kangaw road and Thirsa road in Ayechantha ward of Myeik-Taung village-track in Myeik Township, Taninthayi region, with no casualties reported.


The fire took place in a one-storey house belonged to U Min Ko which was hired for living accommodation by Zin Mar Naing, 36. The fire was reportedly triggered by lit scented sticks left on a shrine by Zin Mar Naing five minutes after she went outside to buy some curry for meal. The fire was supposed to have spread in the house when the lit scented sticks fell over the pillow under the shrine.


General Thaung Htik Shwe, the commander of Coastal Area Command, Major General Zaw Win Myint, head of Myeik Air Force Base, Police Lt Col Kyaw Myo Myint, the acting commander of the District MPF, Police Major Aye Min, commander of the Township MPF, , 20 policemen led by Police Captain Cho Lwin, commander of Myoma Police Station, 37 fire brigades and 70 auxiliary fire fighters headed by U Zaw Wint, head of Myeik District Fire Services Department and local people tried to fight the fire using 21 fire engines and four water trucks. Firefighters managed to control the fire at about 8:15 pm and put out it at around 8:20 pm the same day.


The fire first destroyed the house, hired by Zin Mar Naing, measuring 20 feet by 20 feet with a thatch roof, bamboo matting wall and plank floor and spread to a nearby house of the same type in the same compound belonged to Chit Moe Aung, measuring 15 feet by 20 feet. 


The fire burnt down the two houses, causing an estimated loss of K 1050000. 


Myeik Myoma Police Station is taking action against Zin Mar Naing under section 285 of Penal Code, it is learnt.— Myint Oo ( Myeik) 
Translated by Khine Thaw