Fisherman electrocuted to death in Kyunsu Township

Myeik 3 April

A fisherman was electrocuted to death while he was working on a fishing boat in Kyunsu Township, Taninthayi Region yesterday.

The incident occurred when a 30 year old marine worker named Ye Win Ko from Myeik Township was electrocuted while he was attempting to drag fishing nets in the Andaman Sea northwest of Peinhne Island in Kyunsu Township at around 4 a.m. on 2 April. The fishing boat was carrying 12 fishermen at that time. He died 20 minutes later while taking to a public hospital in Myeik.

His body was sent to a public hospital to examine whether he was killed naturally or not. A probe has been ordered to investigate into the case by the local police station.—Myint Oo (Myeik)
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe