Five people missing as boats capsize in Pantanaw, Gwa Townships

Nay Pyi Taw 6 August

Two people went missing after a boat measuring 12 ft. in length, 3 ft. in width and 1 foot and 6 inch draught capsized in the Ayeyawady River while travelling to Ngwethaungyan Village from Phayagon Village, Pantanaw Township in Ayeyawady Region on 4 August.

Similarly, a boat with three people aboard operated by Aye Min Tun sank in a creek while heading to Chaungthagyi Village from Gwa Town on 4 August. One person was rescued but two people went missing in the incident.

Search operations for the missing people are ongoing by the teams comprising rescuers, firefighters, policemen and volunteers.—MOHA
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe