Four men arrested for stealing parts of machine

Mongpasho 30 July 

A total of four men were arrested on suspicion of stealing parts of vehicles from construction site in the village of Khayay Oo., Kyainglap township, shan state (east) yesterday night. 

While on patrolling, policemen together with witnesses searched a group of four men who caught the attention of them. The search uncovered 32 kinds of machine parts from them. They failed to make the authorities believe that the machine parts were their belongings. They were identified as Aik Kaw, 25, Maung Lat,52, Po Tha (alias) Aung Naing Oo, 26, from Khayay Oo village and Ye Zaw Aung, 29, from Taunggyi town.

 The authorities brought charges against the four under penal code section 379/54, according Mongpasho area police station.—Myint Mo (Tachilek) 
Translated by Khine Thaw