Four Myanmar tour firms to participate in ASEAN Tourism Forum 2024

As an opportunity for the tour­ism sector, four tourism com­panies representing Myanmar will participate in the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2024, which will be held on a rotational basis in Laos, said U Naung Naung Han, chair of the Myan­mar Tourism Entrepreneurs Association.


The ASEAN Tourism Forum is annually held on a rotational basis in 10 ASEAN countries, and Laos will host it next year. Indonesia hosted it last year. The event features about 300 booths from 10 mem­ber countries.


“Four Myanmar-repre­senting companies have reg­istered to participate in the event. In the ASEAN Tourism Forum, ASEAN countries sell their tour packages promoting each other and invite tourists worldwide to come to the ASE­AN region. US and European travel agencies visit the event. This is an opportunity for the travel sector,” said U Naung Naung Han.


He said that travel agen­cies from different countries will visit the event, so this is a chance to showcase tours of Myanmar.


“Participating in the event is an opportunity to promote our country’s tourism sector. And travel agencies worldwide will come so we can answer their questions about our country’s current situation and where they can visit,” he said.


To promote Myanmar’s tourism sector, the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism made visa relaxation and considered further relaxation. — MT/ZS