Four schools closed due to rising water level of Ayeyawady River

Salin 23 July

Four schools that are located in the villages along the river in Salin Township, Magway Region have been closed temporarily due to rising water level of Ayeyawady River since 22 July.

Among the closed schools are three primary schools and one post primary school in four villages. A total of 338 students from the closed schools are being taught by 20 teachers. The water level of the Ayeyawady River has risen to about three foot and the schools are closed to ensure safety of the students.




The students from the closed schools will be compensated for the missed lessons and will be given additional time to study when the floodwaters decrease, according to a source from the township education office.—Soe Moe Thu (Salin)
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe

