Funds for developmental works handed over in Bago Region

Tharrawady 3 June

A ceremony to hand over funds for developmental works in Tharrrawady Township, Bago Region was held at Township General Administration Department yesterday.

First, MP U Aung Myint of Pyithu Hluttaw urged the responsible people to follow the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Sports in implementing the developmental works and Township Administrator U Htein Lin Tun said the officials to meet the set standardization within the deadline.  

Then, the officials handed over funds for developmental works to responsible people from wards and village-tracts. A total of 31 developmental works such as water supply projects, construction of roads and bridges, educational works and health services will be undertaken with K 100 million allocated by Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s development funds.

Thant Zaw (IPRD)
Translated by Suyee