Funds of VDP handed over in Hpakant Township

Hpakant 3 December


With the aim at upgrading socioeconomic development of rural people, Hpakant Township Department of Rural Development is undertaking developmental works in Hpakant Township, Mohnyin District, Kachin State during 2021-2022 FY. 


On December 2, a ceremony to hand over funds of village development project was held at the Township Department of Rural Development in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports. 


At the ceremony, Deputy Township Administrators gave remarks and officials handed over K 20 million to members of village development committees in respective villages.


During six-month budget, developmental works such as construction of concrete roads will be implemented in Kyaukthwetaung and Tawhmaw villages, according to an official from the Township Department of Rural Development. 


Min Myint Mo (Kyaylatt)
Translated by Suyee