GDF terrorists arrested with weapons/ammunition in Monywa


December 14- 2021

ACCORDING to the report on the arrival of socalled GDF terrorists at Chan Thar Gyi Monastery in MyoOo ward, Ahlon, in Monywa, on 12 December, a combined team inspected the monastery and arrested a total of 9 men with weapons and ammunition. 

U Awbatha (a) Aung Zaw Tun, Thein Soe Min (a) Ko Soe, Myo Thu, Aung Chit, Kyaw Zin, Thurain Soe, Saw Min Htike, Ye Htet (a) Ye Htut Zaw, and Khaing Zaw Oo were arrested with 1 homemade gun, five homemade air guns, one homemade short gun, seven homemade guns under construction, 96 homemade empty bullets, seven homemade bombs, three rounds of 7.62 ammunition, 20 rounds of .22, and explosive materials at the monastery. 

According to the statement of the detainees, Saw Min Htike, Kyaw Zin, Aung Gyi (on the run), Padauk (on the run), Zaw Lay (on the run), Nga Oo (on the run) and Gyo Maung (on the run) attended a terrorist training conducted in Latpansu village in Kani. 

According to U Awbatha (a) Aung Zaw Tun, Mutt Tee (on the run) asked for permission to let some PDF terrorists stay in the monastery in the third week of November, and with the connection of Pho Thar Gyi (a) Naing Min Htet (on the run) and Mutt Tee (on the run), a total of 11 men including Thein Soe Min (a) Ko Soe came and stayed at the monastery to make homemade guns. 

Suspect Thein Soe Min (a) Ko Soe revealed that he made 15 homemade guns together with Myo Thu, Aung Chit, Kyaw Zin, Thurein Soe, Saw Min Htike, Ye Htet (a) Ye Htut Zaw, Mutt Tee, Zaw Win (on the run), Aung Khant Kyaw (on the run), Ye Yint Aung (on the run), Bott Tee (on the run) on the request of Pho Thar Gyi (a) Naing Min Htet (on the run), at Chanthargyi monastery in November and delivered them to Butlin PDF terrorists. 

Suspect Kyaw Zin stated that he made 12 homemade guns at Taungtalone mountain in Thazi village in Monywa together with defendant Thein Soe Min (a) Ko Soe and Fattie, Katone, Phyo Ko, Doctor, Tun Tun and Khant Khant, who are still left to be arrested, under the instruction of Fattie in the first week of August. He also made another 12 homemade guns together with defendant Saw Min Htike and Zaw Lay, Wai Moe Si, Maung Kyaung, Piya, Aung Gyi and Padauk and delivered the guns to Butalin PDF. According to the statement of Thein Soe Min (a) Ko Soe, the confiscated ammunition was handed over to U Awbatha (a) Aung Zaw Tun as he was instructed by Phothargyi (a) Naing Min Htet (on the run) on 9 December. 

As the NUG, a terrorist group for the destruction of the country has made and hid weapons in religious buildings and premises by using fake monks and the religious beliefs of the people, people are urged to work together with authorities by secretly reporting religious hypocrites and terrorists to the nearest security forces in order to take effective action against them under the law. — MNA