Going to Shein Ma Kar

28 October

SHEIN Ma  Kar  in  Myanmar  language  was  spelt  differently  in  the  past  and  the  present.  However it was written or spelt, people are sure to associate the word with a small town (or a big village),  wild  life  conservation  area  and  a  forest  retreat  (monastery). Shein Ma Kar situated in Sagaing Region Wetlet Township is a place of interest for local and foreign visitor alike due to its historical link to the Pyu.

How to go there

Shein  Ma  Kar  is  about  two  and  half  hour  drive  from  Man-dalay  and  can  be  reached  via  Sagaing after going on to Wetlet. I came down from Shwebo in the north  and  the  drive  was  more  than an hour drive. The two-way road  was  an  awkward  one  and  half lane wide with some portion being very good while some portion in an extremely bad shape. The  best  car  for  this  road  is  an  off road 4x4 cars but motorcycle is  also  good  enough.  But  if  you  are going there by a motorcycle, make  sure  you  wear  a  helmet,  be alert looking where you were going as well as checking the rear view mirror frequently.

A good time to visit 

The best is to travel during the day time. As the region had little rain only, it is fine to come during  the  raining  season  too.  And  the  surrounding  was  more  pleasant  and  beautiful  during  the  raining  season  than  the  hot  summer  time.  There’ll  be  more  greenery.

Places to visit

There isn’t much to visit and some  may  say  it  was  not  worth  the trouble going there for such few places only. That may be why some draw up a trip schedule to Shein  Ma  Kar  with  trips  to  ancient city Han Lin, pilgrimage to Sagaing  pagodas  and  a  visit  to  Shwe Bo. But as with many other places, it had its own beauty and attractions.

A big village Shein Ma Kar

Shein  Ma  Kar  is  a  big  village.  It  can  also  be  designated  as a small town. The main road through  the  big  village  or  small  town  is  noticeably  busy  even  though the time I went there was not  during  the  peak  travel  sea-son.  You’ll  see  the  usual  village  scenes  of  a  Bamar  village  even  though  some  parts  were  more  like a town than a village. It can be  said  as  a  traditional  Bamar  style  village  or  small  town  with  some  modern  influence.  There  were about a thousand household in Shein Ma Kar.

Wild  life  conservation  area  and  a  forest  retreat  with  many antiquities

The  wild  life  conservation  area and the forest retreat monastery was the main attraction to the place. Even though the wild life conservation area was aimed for conserving deer, I didn’t see any animal, not to mention deer, for  the  simple  reason  of  being  just at the outskirt of the wild life conservation  area.  I  only  saw  a  dog, an ordinary dog found in any villages, towns and cities, loitering around the monastery.

The  wild  life  conservation  area was reported to be 334 acres wide and had deer, wild dogs (not the usual domesticated dog specie  found  in  villages,  towns  and  cities),  small  wild  cat  species,  fowls and birds.

The  brick-lined  pathway  to  the  forest  retreat  monastery  was  a  bit  of  an  attraction  with  greeneries  overhanging  above  it. It was a short path but due to the enjoyable and pleasant walk through  it,  it  seems  shorter  as  time and distance went by quickly. Once past the short pathway, you’ll be in the monastery compound.  There’ll  be  an  old  monastery known as a forest retreat monastery that was constructed with the donation of King Mindon in ME 1224 (AD 1862). It was in a quite  dilapidated  condition  and  not much maintenance seems to be conducted. But old Myanmar architectural  forms  in  concrete  are still around in abundance and this was invaluable. There’s also a covered walkway or a rest area that  was  constructed  with  King Mindon’s  donation.  The  monastery itself had retained and kept old utensils used by King Mindon himself.

Once past the old monastery, you’ll reach a small pagoda and a  stairway  that  went  down  to  Ayeyawady  River.  Go  down  the  stairway  to  enjoy  the  beautiful  sight  of  the  river.  Midway  down  the stairway, you’ll see cave like meditation places.

Villages along the way back to  Shwebo  from  Shein  Ma  Kar  also  had  many  old  and  ancient  pagodas.  The  one  that  I  found  most  interesting  was  at  Inn  Be  Gyi Village.

The  greeneries  observed  along  the  way  to  Shein  Ma  Kar,  the  beauty  of  Ayeyawady  River  and Konbaung era monastery are things that will remain etched in my memory forever. May all have a happy and safe trip.

Translated by Handytips