Government gives cash assistance to older persons in Haka

The Department of Social Welfare under the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement gave COVID-19 relief assistance to the older adults in Haka Township under the COVID-19 Economic Relief Plan (CERP).

U Myint Oo, Township Administrator from Township General Administration Department and the officials went to the houses of the aged in the wards in Haka and provided cash to them on 1 October.

The Department provided cash amounting to K30,000 each to the people between 80 and 85 years of age. There are 230 aged people in Haka, and the Department provided K6,900,000.

In September 2020, the Department also provided K7,110,000 for 237 older people for the first time. Above 85-year-old people received K30,000 each for three months. It is the second time of delivering cash assistance to the elders. Providing the elders during COVID-19 period will be of much help to the elders for their livelihood. Medicines and medical treatment are also provided, said U Myint Oo. — District IPRD


(Translated by Hay Mar)