Graduated nurses urged to follow ethics of nursing and uphold spirit of nursing

The Defence Services Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences held the passing-out parade for the 21st intake of the institute and the 8th intake of the female nursing and paramedical sciences at its parade ground in Yangon yesterday morning, with an address by Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Coun­cil Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Command­er-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Thiri Pyanchi Maha Thray Sithu Soe Win, on behalf of the SAC Chairman Com­mander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Tha­doe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing.


On the agenda, the Vice-Senior General took a sa­lute from the graduation com­panies.


The Vice-Senior General presented the Best Trainee Award to trainee Nang Nwe Nwe Aye, the Excellent Award in Training to trainee Thiri Pow­er and The Excellent Award in Studies to trainee Ei Mon Kyaw, respectively, in the 8th intake of female course.


Speaking on the occasion, the Vice-Senior General, on behalf of the Senior General, delivered an address, saying that starting from 2016, the curriculum of the institute was amended, and the new one was approved in 2020. The new curriculum has been given to trainees since the 2020-2021 training year, and this intake is the first-ever produced trainees from the new curriculum.


The Vice-Senior General stressed that when they join the practical fields, the nursing trainees have to improve their capacity for applying nursing techniques and handling medi­cal equipment and further study advancements in nursing tech­niques and medical equipment.


As behaviours of a good nurse can reduce half of the suffering of patients, those nurs­es have to follow the ethics of nursing and the spirit of nursing in addition to upholding friendly relations, helping, honesty, pa­tience, politeness, consideration and compassion.


The Vice-Senior General underscored that nurses should try hard to have more compre­hensive knowledge and skills in using Western medical science as well as traditional medical science to share their exper­tise with Tatmadaw families and the people and provide medical treatment to them.


The Vice-Senior General highlighted that Tatmadaw is part of the State and that Tat­madaw members are part of the people.


He noted that those nurs­es have to organize the ethnic people in their assigned areas to forge the Union spirit and national unity.


He added that if they follow nine oaths of nursing and five basic qualifications, they will be skilful nurses and paramedics on whom the State and Tatmad­aw can rely.


The Vice-Senior General left the parade ground after tak­ing the salute of the graduation trainee companies.


He then met outstanding award-winning trainees at the parlour of the institute’s head­quarters.


Also present at the cere­mony were Daw Than Than Nwe, wife of the Vice-Senior General, Union ministers and their wives, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and their wives, the Chief Minister of Yan­gon Region and officials.


In the evening, the Vice-Senior General attended the graduation dinner of the 21st Intake of the Nursing and Par­amedical Sciences course and the 8th intake of the female nurs­ing and paramedical sciences course and had the dinner to­gether with the graduated nurs­es. — MNA/TTA