Grass roots in Pinlon furnished with government’s COVID-19 cash aid

Pinlon, 17 November

An event to present cash aid provided by the government amid the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic to grass roots was held at the office of Ward-3 Administrator in the town of Pinlon, Loilem District, Shan State (South) this afternoon.

At the event, Ward-3 Administrator U Sai San Nyin clarified the purpose of cash aid and handed over a total of K 124000 to local people who have low income in Ward-3. Under this cash aid program, 62 households in Ward-3 received K 20000 each.

The disbursement of cash aid is the fourth of its kind in the ward. Also present on the occasion were the Township Administrator U Myint Zaw, Ward Administrators and locals.—Nan Myint Myint Swe

Translated by JT