Greening activities in progress in Nay Pyi Taw

U Ohn Win, Union Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, inspected greening activities at Phohsaungtaung reserve and Ngalike reserve in Nay Pyi Taw Council Area, and Ngalike elephant camp yesterday.

At Phohsaungtaung reserve, the Union Minister examined a plot for greening programme, and viewed the growing of grass of a certain kind and bamboo at the places where erosion can take place. He spoke of the need to grow more such grass and bamboo. Afterwards, he inspected the thriving bamboo plants at the greening plantation in Nay Pyi Taw Council Area.

During the inspection of Ngalike reserve, Union Minister U Ohn Win observed a 150-acre commercial team plantation set up in 2018, weeding at another 150-acre teak plantation set up in 2019, test plantation of teak through pot tube system. He instructed officials to record the growth rate of the test plantation and to conduct weeding systematically.

The Union Minister stressed the need to replace dead saplings with the new ones at the plantations, keep systematic records of the plantations, financial accounts and statistic and keep office equipment systematically during visit to two 100-acre plantations one established in 2019 and the other in 2020 for ecosystem conservation, with the help of Myanmar Gems and Jewellry Entrepreneurs Association.

The Union Minister was conducted around the Ngalike elephant camp by officials who presented a report on laying of a forest track and a beach track, and erection of a pontoon bridge, a suspension bridge and two gorge-crossing bridges. —MNA


(Translated by TMT)