Groundbreaking ceremony for construction of staff housing held in Pakokku 

Pakokku 26 January

A groundbreaking ceremony for construction of staff rental housing was held in the compound of Pakokku Department of Urban and Housing Development on January 26.

First, MP U Paik Ko of Pyithu Hluttaw, MP U Mya Min Swe of Amyotha Hluttaw, Deputy District Administrator U Zaw Lwin, Township Administrator U Khaing Tun Zaw and departmental personnel drove stakes at the precinct and sprinkled the scented water on it. 

Next, responsible people from Construction Company clarified the detailed information of the construction project. The housing measuring 93 ft and six inches in length and 93 ft and six inches in width will include 37 units. 

A total of 47 housing units for governmental staff were built in Pakokku during 2017-2018 FY. Likewise, the staff rental housing projects have been completed in Myaing and Seikbyu Townships in Pakokku District. 

Ko Zaw (Chemistry)
Translated by Suyee