Guardians of Your Vision

By Min Zan


Our eyes are incredible gifts that allow us to see and experience the world around us. The value of our eye­sight is immeasurable, as it plays a crucial role in our daily lives. In this article, we will explore why our eyesight is so important and how we can take care of our eyes. \


The Gift of Sight

Imagine a world without colours, shapes, and the beauty that surrounds us – that’s what life would be like without the gift of sight. Our eyes enable us to witness breathtaking sunsets, ad­mire the faces of our loved ones, and navigate the world with ease. Sight is a fundamental sense that enhances our overall experience of life.

Everyday Tasks

Consider the various every­day tasks that rely on our ability to see. From reading a book to watching a movie, from cooking a meal to crossing the street – all these activities involve our eye­sight. Our eyes help us gather information and make sense of the world, making them essential for learning and understanding.


Learning And Development

For children, good eyesight is vital for their learning and devel­opment. The ability to see clearly allows them to read books, write, and participate actively in school. Parents and teachers play a cru­cial role in monitoring children’s eye health to ensure they have the best opportunities for academic success.


Work And Productivity

In the professional world, our eyes are vital for various oc­cupations. Whether it’s reading emails, analyzing data, or oper­ating machinery, a clear vision contributes to productivity and job performance. Regular eye checkups are essential to main­tain optimal eyesight, ensuring we excel in our chosen fields.


Protecting Your Eyes

Given the immense value of our eyesight, it becomes crucial to take steps to protect our eyes. Here are some simple tips to maintain good eye health:


1. Regular Eye Checkups: Schedule regular eye exam­inations with an optometrist to monitor the health of your eyes and detect any potential issues early.


2. Healthy Diet: Consume a balanced diet rich in vita­mins and minerals, particu­larly those that promote eye health, such as vitamins A, C, and E.


3. Protective Eyewear: If your work or recreational activi­ties expose you to potential eye hazards, wear protective eyewear to prevent injuries.


4. Limit Screen Time: Reduce eye strain by taking breaks from screens, adjusting screen brightness, and fol­lowing the 20-20-20 rule (look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes).


5. Proper Lighting: Ensure good lighting when reading or working to reduce eye strain and prevent discomfort.


Our eyesight is a precious gift that enhances every aspect of our lives. Understanding the value of our eyes and taking proactive steps to care for them ensures a brighter, clearer future. By prior­itizing eye health, we can continue to appreciate the beauty of the world around us and lead fulfilling lives. Remember, the gift of sight is priceless, and its value cannot be overstated.


Furthermore, we watch our salt and fat intake to protect our hearts. We exercise and take cal­cium to protect our bones. We slather on sunscreen to protect our skin. But what can we do to protect our eyes all year round? A lot. We asked experts what life­style steps people should take to safeguard their vision and eye health.


Invest in Quality Sunglasses “Protecting the eyes from ultravi­olet light — sunlight — is very im­portant,” says Dr Esen Akpek, an ophthalmology professor at Johns Hopkins University in the United States. “It’s one of the biggest things in our environment to have an impact on the eyes. Ultraviolet light has been shown to have an effect on cataract development and macular degeneration.”


To shield your eyes, wear sunglasses certified to block out 99 to 100 per cent of UVA and UVB light. Surprisingly, dark lenses aren’t necessarily the most pro­tective. “In fact, if the lenses are dark but not UV-protected, that’s worse for your eyes because when you’re looking through dark lens­es, your pupils dilate, which lets more UV light inside to do dam­age,” says Akpek.


Wear Safety Glasses When Needed. You don’t need protective eyewear to do construction or fac­tory work. Gardening, yard work, home repairs, and sports all pose the risk of trauma to the eye. It’s estimated that up to 90 per cent of sports-related eye injuries are ac­tually preventable with proper eye protection. Experts recommend wearing sports or safety glasses with polycarbonate lenses, which are a type of plastic that will not easily shatter or break.


“I see people who’ve been gardening, leaned forward, and got poked in the eye by a branch,” says Dr Davinder Grover, an oph­thalmologist at Glaucoma Asso­ciates of Texas. “And sometimes lawnmowers cause objects like stones to hit you in the eye.”


Take a Break from Screens According to a 2022 review article published in the journal Heliyon, there’s no scientific evidence that the light from electronic screens damages the eyes. But staring at a screen can leave eyes fatigued and may blur vision. Experts sug­gest following the 20-2020 rule: Every 20 minutes, take a break and look at something about 20 feet away for 20 seconds.


One reason for eye fatigue during screen use is that people tend to blink less when staring at computer screens, which can lead to dryness. “One of the best ways to prevent that is hydra­tion—drinking four or five glasses of water daily,” says Grover. “If you still feel your eyes are dry or getting tired, or your vision is oc­casionally blurred, use lubricating eye drops.”


Eat For Your Eyesight

Research shows that foods rich in vitamin C, E, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids are linked to lower risk for age-related macular degenera­tion, cataracts, and maybe even dry eye. Getting these nutrients from whole foods rather than from supplements is best.


For omega-3 fatty acids, look for fish like salmon, tuna and halibut.


For lutein and zeaxanthin, eat dark leafy greens like spin­ach, kale, and collard greens.


For vitamin C, go for citrus, strawberries, tomatoes, sweet peppers, and broccoli.


For vitamin E, choose pea­nuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, avocado, pumpkin, and asparagus.


For zinc, good sources are beef, fortified cereals, and oysters.


Stop Those Bad Habits

First, the obvious: smoking isn’t just bad for your lungs; it can harm your eyes. “Smoking is terrible,” says Akpek. “It causes dry eyes, worsens thyroid eye dis­ease, and correlates with severe macular degeneration.” Smoking also increases the risk of cata­racts and can even harm the optic nerve.


Also, try not to rub your eyes. “Rubbing makes inflammation worse,” says Akpek. “The more you rub, the more itchy your eyes will get. Rubbing has been linked to thinning and bulging of the cor­nea. It can lead to infections.” In­stead, “take medication or use drops for allergies or dry eye,” says Grover.


Repair the Air

Indoor heating and air condi­tioning can dry out the air—and the eyes. Outdoor cold and wind can also dry, while pollution and allergens can cause irritation. In addition to lubricating eye drops, “air purifiers and humidifiers are our friends,” says Akpek.


Finally, don’t forget to see an eye specialist regularly for a checkup, if possible. Not all eye problems are noticeable, and all are best treated when found early. For most people, unless there are problems, that means having your eyes tested by an optometrist or health care provider every one to two years.

In sum, our eyes are truly precious gifts that enrich our lives in countless ways. From wit­nessing the beauty of the world to engaging in everyday tasks, our eyesight is fundamental to our overall well-being. To safeguard this invaluable sense, adopting simple practices like regular eye checkups, maintaining a healthy diet, wearing protective eyewear, and being mindful of screen time is essential.


The article empha­sizes the significance of vision in various aspects of life, from child­hood development to professional success. By following these tips and consciously caring for our eyes, we can ensure a brighter and clearer future, cherishing the priceless gift of sight that enhanc­es our appreciation for the world around us.


Reference: Reader’s Digest January 2024