Hi-jet driver escapes from burning vehicle in Minhla Township

Minhla, 3 March


No casualties were reported after a Hi-jet caught fire in Minhla Township in Myanmar’s central Magway Region.


The accident occurred at about 5 p.m. on 2 March when a hi-jet driven by a man named Wai Yan Aung, 22, caught fire while going to one village to another village. Local policemen and firefighters took about 25 minutes to completely extinguish the blaze with the use of one fire engine and one water tanker. The fire is believed to have started from an overheated tire of the car.




Regarding the case, the hi-jet owner is being taken action over fire negligence by the local police.—Zar Zar (Ahtet Minhla)


Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe