Hlinethaya, Tamway townships to conduct coronavirus survey

14 May

A health survey over coronavirus will be conducted in Hlinethaya and Tamway townships to prevent and control coronavirus disease in Yangon Region, it is learnt from a work coordinating meeting.

The coordination meeting was held in Hall 3 of Yangon regional government office on 11 May attended by Yangon Regional Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein and officials and the committee members of New Coronavirus Control and Emergency Response Committee.

More than 1 million people including the employees from the Hlinethaya Township work establishments and factories will have to undergo a medical check-up to find out whether they are infected with coronavirus or not on 16 May in cooperation with the regional health team, according to U Myat Min Thu, Hlinethaya Township Hluttaw representative.

“There are more than one million people here in our township. According to the commission’s official data, there will be around 730,000 people. But, we could not check those who are currently staying in this area. We need to check the factories as well. So, there will be more than 1 million people when mobile people are counted. The most important thing is we need to check the places where there are coronavirus positive patients,” he said.

All individuals will be checked whether they meet the norms such as sick, high temperature, cough, sore throat and diarrhoea etc.

Moreover, the regional health team is making a detailed plan to be able to check the whole of Hlinethaya Township on 16 May.

There are 29 wards in Hlinethaya Township. Over 700,000 people are living in these wards and over 300,000 people are working in the factories in Hlinethaya.

May 6 saw the health survey on coronavirus infection being conducted for the first time in four wards of Insein Township in Yangon Region. This is the second time for making arrangement to conduct the surveys in Hlinethaya and Tamway Townships. —Myint Maung Soe (Translated by Hay Mar)