Hluttaw agrees on ratifying child soldier treaty

At the 19th-day meeting of the Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session held yesterday, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw agreed on ratifying Optional Protocol on the involvement of Children in Armed Conflict also known as the child soldier treaty. A joint bill committee report on Education Research, Planning and Training Bill was also read and Hluttaw representatives discussed obtaining US$ 51.2 million from Asian Development Bank (ADB) to fund rural road network project.

Joint Bill Committee report on Education Research, Planning and Training Bill

As a first agenda of the day a report of the Joint Bill Committee on its findings on Education Research, Planning and Training Bill, disagreed by the two Hluttaws, was read by committee member Daw Kyein Ngaik Man and Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the bill to register their names.

Hluttaw discusses and agrees on ratifying child soldier treaty

Next Daw Thandar of Einme constituency, Dr Daw Shwe Pon of Bago constituency, U Nay Kyaw of Dagon Myothit (East) constituency, U Saw Tun Mya Aung of Papun constituency, Dr Tin Tin Win of Bago Region constituency 5, U Soe Win of Tamway constituency, U Sai Oo Khem of Hsenwi constituency, Dr Win Myint Chit of Bago Region constituency 8, Daw Hla Htay (a) Daw Ohn Kyi of Mandalay Region constituency 4, Daw Sha Mu of Kayah State constituency 5, Tatmadaw Amyotha Hluttaw representative Col Aung Kyaw Moe, U San Myint of Ayeyawady Region constituency 3, Daw Khin Hnin Thit of Padaung constituency, Tatmadaw Amyotha Hluttaw representative Major Ye Naing Lwin, U Myint Naing of Rakhine State constituency 5, Daw Nan Than Than Lwin of Hpa-an constituency, Daw Shwe Shwe Sein Latt of Bago Region constituency 3, Daw Htu May of Rakhine State constituency 11 and U Oo Tun Maung of Ponnagyun constituency discussed Myanmar ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of Children in Armed Conflict also known as child soldier treaty sent by the President.

In his discussion, Union Minister for International Cooperation U Kyaw Tin said ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Child on the involvement of Children in Armed Conflict would improve the images of Myanmar and the Tatmadaw while showing positive action of Myanmar in protecting and promoting Rights of the Child. If Pyidaungsu Hluttaw agrees on ratifying the Optional Protocol, Myanmar can send a formal diplomatic note to the United Nations Secretary General Office in the forthcoming United Nations General Assembly to be held in September and supported for the Hluttaw to ratify it.

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker then obtained the Hluttaw’s decision on the matter and announced Hluttaw agreeing to ratify the Optional Protocol.

Hluttaw discuss US$ 51.2 million loan from ADB

As a final agenda of the day Daw Mya Khwar Nyo Oo of Shwedaung constituency, Daw Cho Cho of Ottwin constituency, U Tin Maung Win of Seikkan constituency, Daw Yin Min Hlaing of Gangaw constituency, U Aung Thike of Seikphyu constituency, U San Myint of Ayeyawady Region constituency 3, U Khin Cho of Hlaingbwe constituency, Daw Ei Ei Pyone of Ayeyawady Region constituency 8, U Sa Khin Zaw Lin of Ayeyawady Region constituency 2 and U Chit Htwe of Magwe Region constituency 3 discussed acquiring US$ 51.2 million from the Asian Development Bank as funding for the rural road network project to be implemented by Ministry of Construction that was sent by the President.

The 20th day meeting of Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session will be held on 4 September. — Aung Ye Thwin, Aye Aye Thant (MNA) (Translated by Zaw Min)