Hluttaw committees mobilize for 14th regular meeting


October 26, 2019

The Central Committee for Organizing Hluttaw Meetings and working committees held its fourth coordination meeting for this year at the Hluttaw building in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.
U T Khun Myat, Speaker of both the Pyidaungsu and Pyithu Hluttaws, gave a short speech at the meeting. He said the 14th regular meeting of the Hluttaws would commence on 4 November and would continue to debate and carry out the 2008 Constitution amendment processes.
He said all ongoing debates on bills and Hluttaw processes would continue according to their relevant degree of importance. The previous regular meeting was successful because of the systematic preparations of all working committees and close cooperation during the entire meeting period, said U T Khun Myat. He said the same steps must be taken for the coming 14th regular meeting.
Next, Amyotha Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U Aye Tha Aung urged all working committees to collaborate efficiently with their assigned duties to ensure the success of the upcoming meeting.
Next, union ministers, deputy ministers, permanent secretaries and officials gave brief statements about progress made in their respective working committees. After this the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker replied with suggestions and delivered his closing address. — MNA (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)