Hluttaw records motion condemning attacks by EAOs, expresses sorrow for dead, wounded

17 Aug


AT the 11th-day meeting of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session held yesterday Hluttaw put on record a motion condemning the recent attacks of three ethnic armed groups and expressed sorrow for dead and wounded persons tabled by U Steven of Kengtung constituency.


Motion condemning works of insurgents and sorrow for dead and wounded


The motion condemning the work of insurgents, to designate AA, TNLA and MNDAA as terrorist organizations and expression of sorrow for dead and wounded persons was tabled and explained by U Steven of Kengtung constituency. The motion was supported by U Se Ki Kaw of Monghkat constituency.


Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker announced the Hluttaw putting the motion on record.


Question and answer session


In the question and answer session, a question was raised by U Kyaw Aung Lwin of Sedoktara constituency on a plan to construct an embankment to protect from erosion in Sedoktara Town by Hsi Mi Creek was answered by Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications U Kyaw Hluttaw records motion condemning attacks by EAOs, expresses sorrow for dead, wounded Myo.


A question by U Saw Thalay Saw of Shwegyin constituency on a plan to establish a practical negotiation committee and setup work processes to conduct development works for people in regions that were in contact with ethnic armed organizations was answered by Deputy Minister for Border Affairs Maj-Gen Than Htut.


Questions raised by Daw Nan Htwe Thu of Pasawng constituency on a plan for early closure of mine work sites in Mawchi region Lo Kha Lo Ward 3 and Daw Mi Kun Chan of Paung constituency on plan to prevent land reclamation and illegally squatting on such land in creeks that were flowing well were answered by Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications U Kyaw Myo.


Similarly, questions raised by U Kyaw Soe of Bamauk constituency on plan to build bridges on Bamauk-Wuntho inter-township road, U Sai Thiha Kyaw of Mongyai constituency on plan to build bridges and road sections in Mongyai Township and U Tin Aye of Metmung constituency on plan to construct a inter-village road in Metmung Township were answered by Deputy Minister for Border Affairs Maj-Gen Than Htut.


Industrial Zone Bill


Following the question and answer session investment and industry development committee member read and submitted Industrial Zone Bill and a bill committee member read the committee’s finding and comment report on the bill. Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker then announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to table an amendment motion to the bill to register their names.


Discussion on climate change motion


Next a motion urging the Union Government to study and review the severe climate change and rising temperature that occurs in 2019 due to deteriorating natural environment, prevent severe effect on natural environment for the benefit of the country and future generation in accordance to the law and reinforce recovery and redevelopment works tabled by U Zaw Min Thein of Laymyethna constituency was discussed by U Tun Tun of Pwintbyu constituency, Tatmadaw representative LtCol Tun Tun Win, U Nyan Lin of Shwepyitha constituency, Dr Kyi Moh Moh Lwin of Singaing constituency, U Sein Win of Maubin constituency, Tatmadaw representative Maj Min Zarni Htwe, Dr Than Aung Soe of Minhla constituency and Daw Cho Cho Win of Mawlaik constituency. Deputy Minister Dr Ye Myint Swe also explained for the Hluttaw to approve the motion.


As there was no objection against the motion Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker announced the motion approved by the Hluttaw and concluded the meeting.—Mawsi, Hmwe Kyu Zin (Translated by Zaw Min)