Home containment is an effective option, but comes with responsibilities

With another 1,294 coronavirus cases confirmed yesterday, our country saw the number of cases increasing steadily for the fifth day in a row.

Our country has now 17,794 cases of coronavirus cases and 412 deaths.

Over the past seven days, our country saw 978 on 3rd October, 1,142 on 2nd October, 1,010 on 1st October, 946 cases on 30th September, 797 cases on 29th September and 897 cases on 28th September. The cases that hit us is significantly upward, rising from around two digits in mid-August to nearly over 800 to 900 a day now.

The seven-day trend indicates the peak was probably three or four days ago.
Sunday’s spike in the number of cases the largest daily increase registered in the country since the outbreak began in our country. Yangon saw over 1,000 cases in 24 hours on 3rd October.

The number of Covid-19 cases is continuing to rise in Yangon Region.
We believe that if the future situation will demand the health authorities to extend the capacities of current centres, which now have 7000 to 8000 occupants, the country will need to put all of our energies into it, and that will impact our health care system in the future.

It has become obvious that this is something we need to do in the long run. Whether we can reduce the current containment measures through allowing patients to remain confined at home, or not, remains a viable option in coping with the current situation.

Those who test positive need to quarantine themselves under the home containment scheme. Currently, a person who tested positive is taken to a COVID-19 centre or hospital. Under the home containment scheme, unless there are serious symptoms, home containment is enough. But, the patient must be under conditions — a 24×7 caregiver; constant communication between the caregiver and a hospital; and immediate medical help if severe symptoms developed.

The government understands what it needs to do better. The pandemic rules are changing every day.
It becomes more critical as cases rise, and home containment should be taken into account for option for patients with no mild or no symptoms of the coronavirus disease.