Honesty and cooperation will benefit us all

Every February, we take the opportunity to strengthen the unity of our diverse ethnic nationals and display it prominently. It was during this period that all ethnic nationals of the country united to pluck the flower of independence for everyone.

Our ethnic nationals have entertained a genuine wish to coexist in harmony. Due to the influence of foreign powers in the past, some ethnic leaders sought to divide the Union, and the effects of their actions can still be felt today. Myanmar’s journey to independence was not as smooth as most other countries. We had to struggle against disruptions and espionage to rightfully gain our independence, and we can better judge this fact if we consider the current situation in the country.

In his message of greeting on the 72nd Shan State Day, President U Win Myint urged “all ethnic national brothers and sisters residing in this Union to join hands in unity and harmony forever, with the spirit of the Union or the spirit of Panglong, and with unity between the hilly and plain regions, work to ensure the goal of a democratic federal union, which shall guarantee justice, freedom, equal rights and self-determination to all the ethnic people of our country.”

Our ethnic nationals have the desire to live in peace and harmony but they must combine it with the Panglong spirit, which promotes unity, to seize the opportunity to control their own destiny and walk together towards a better future. We must understand that the Union government is working hard to create opportunities for ethnic nationals to live better lives.

We must remove the weeds that have grown since independence to allow better opportunities to emerge. We must build mutual trust to dispel doubts that keep our ethnic nationals apart. We must do away with discrimination and work for the socioeconomic development of our honest ethnic nationals. This is the only way to be compassionate towards people. Bogyoke Aung San may have passed away but his legacy continues to survive, not only in Myanmar but around the world, because of his honest efforts that benefitted the people.

We, thus, urge everyone to nurture an honest and cooperative spirit as we work together towards a democratic federal union that will benefit us all.