Housing project for civil servants under construction in Mongnai

Mongnai, 1 July


The chairman of the Lankhio District Management Committee U Noe Wai and the committee members inspected the progress for construction of a housing project for staff from the Department of Health under the Ministry of Health and Sports on in Mongnai, Southern Shan State 30 June.


They were briefed about the project by the township management committee chairman U Soe Htut and the township medical superintendent Dr. Zin Mee Han. The district management committee chairman urged in-site officials to complete the project as schedule and put emphasis on meeting the set standard.


The DoH awarded a tender to a private company named “7 Partner” to construct a two-storey facility with the funds allotted by the ministry.—Myo Nyunt Shwe


Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe