Huawei's CFO suing Canadian government

4 March    


The chief financial officer of Chinese technology giant Huawei is suing the Canadian government, police, and other authorities.


Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of the founder of Huawei Technologies, was detained at Vancouver International Airport in December at the request of the US authorities.


The US Justice Department has indicted Meng on charges including bank fraud.




Canadian media reports say Meng is seeking damages in the claim that was filed on Friday. Meng alleges that she was unlawfully interrogated for three hours before her arrest under the guise of a routine customs check.


She says authorities seized her smartphones, computers and demanded that she surrender her passwords in what constituted an abuse of power and unlawful detention.


The US Justice Department is seeking Meng's extradition. On Friday, the Canadian Department of Justice said it would allow an extradition hearing to proceed.


Meng will appear in a court in Vancouver on Wednesday to set a schedule for the proceedings.