By Kyaw Myint Htun (Paris)


For ease of reference, let’s refer to them as “SAPs”, as in “self-ab­sorbed people”.


All the countries in the de­veloping world, that have been bullied under the pretence of “democracy” and “human rights” by all these SAPs for decades, take note.


China and Russia, please note.


Shout out to all these self-absorbed and self-pro­claimed “righteous”, out-of-touch SAPs in the Ivory Towers in Geneva and New York! Paris is burning! Where are all these so-called “rapporteurs”, “spe­cial envoys”, “commissions”, “groups of experts”, “high-level experts”, etc.?


Paris has been burning for days. Violence has spread to other cities across the coun­try. SAPs have been slowed to catch up. Let alone a con­demnation, there have been no statements of any kind from the SAPs across their sprawling or­ganizations. A lone statement was made by a spokesperson in a Geneva-based outfit calling for “action”, which was brushed aside by France as baseless. Since, there’s not a single whis­per. They are busy trying to open offices in India and China. Hey, Paris is just a short flight away from Geneva. Go pay a visit! Go to Lausanne where there are riots. Just take a train to Lausanne. When it comes to a country of their “Uncles” and “Aunties” they don’t dare to say or do a thing.


One of their major organi­zations is even based in Paris. Everyone is quiet! This is one of the Western countries most of them plan to live in after retire­ment. They don’t want to jeop­ardize any future chances of a comfortable retirement, visiting professor roles at prestigious universities, being enlisted as “experts” by think tanks, etc. SHHH!!!!! Let’s not say any­thing.


Imagine similar develop­ment in Russian or China? SAPs would immediately de­mand a “fact-finding” visit. That “fact-finding” is one of their favourite expressions. Af­ter that, endless commissions and groups would be created to pay the way for endless inves­tigations. Resolutions would be passed. If the country is a small developing (Paris) nation, sanc­tions would be imposed. They could go on and on.


Fighting against bullying is one of their favourite sub­jects. But they are the biggest bullies. They are experts at how to bully small developing countries. Multiple “Envoys” and “Representatives” would be appointed. Just look at how many such positions have been created for Myanmar. They use these positions to attack Russia and China. But when the big ones are involved, they can’t say or do a thing. They are PNGd by the Western countries. So-called Human Rights experts are barred from visits. Life goes on! No one says a thing. But if similar actions are taken by small countries, watch out! There would be an onslaught of pressure.


Yes, they also love to travel. At one point around 2012-2013, just as Myanmar was just open­ing up, there were three Heads of Agencies visiting the country at once. Three! They arrive in the country. Travel to Bagan together. Have a sip together in a luxurious hotel lounge to­gether. Life is good! But people in the small countries they are supposed to serve continue to suffer.


Recently SAPs were kicked out of Mali. Hallelujah! Now the citizens of Mali can truly create peace and genuinely re­build their country. What did the SAPs achieve in Mali? Haiti should consider the same.


They are unable to treat and pay respect to people in small countries at the same level as those in big countries.


They will not bring any solution to the problems in My­anmar. They are SAPs oblivious to the problems, cultures and traditions of small countries.