I hope we will be able to push back the second COVID wave if we can take effective measures to prevent the spread of the disease during the next one or two months: State Counsellor

30 June 

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said that she hoped Myanmar would be able to push back the second COVID wave if effective measures could be taken to prevent the spread of the disease during the next one or two months on her Facebook page yesterday. This was what she wrote:

To prevent the spread of the COVID disease we have to review the situation every two weeks and make a decision on whether to keep into effect certain rules, whether certain rules need to be relaxed or if some rules need to be strengthened. During this month, we have been able to relax the “stay at home” arrangements in all townships.
Prohibition of mass gatherings of people is still in effect. If we can take effective measures to prevent the spread of the disease, I hope we would be able to push back the second COVID wave during the next one or two months. As there are lots of people who have become infected with COVID disease without showing any symptoms of infection, we need to be extra careful. It is very important to wear masks in places like markets where there is close contact with others for long periods of time. Don’t forget to wash your hands frequently. Don’t be careless.

I have heard that online sales and purchases have become more frequent during the stay-at-home period. This shows that people can change if they are confronted with the needs of new situations. Some things never change. What will never change is the fact that when the time is ripe, there needs to be changed. May the people of Myanmar have the ability and energy to change when the time is ripe for change.

(Translated by Kyaw Myaing)