Illegal sawn Padauk timber seized in Mong Hpayak

Mong Hpayak 28 March

Authorities seized 15 logs of illegal sawn Padauk timber at mile posts 7/8 on Mong Hpayak-Mong Yawing Road near Tama Village, Mong Hpayak Township in Shan State yesterday.

A combined contingent led by U Than Tun Aung, staff officer of Mong Hpayak Township Forestry Department and Police Sub-inspector Moe Kyaw Lwin from Mong Hpayak Myo Ma Police Station together with witnesses yesterday intercepted a vehicle driven by Sai Wi, 26, with a conductor Shaw Ho, 39, and seized 16 logs of sawn Padauk timber weighing 0.9830 tons worth K 1.3 million onboard.

The authorities filed charges against the two under forest law.—Solomon , Township IPRD