Indaw farmers hit hard by dry weather

Local farmers in Indaw Township, Sagaing Region, are facing difficulties because of the ongoing drought, according to local residents.

“There was rainfall in June, and we could have grown the paddy then. But in July there was no rain, and so we could not cultivate the crops. There is no water in lakes, creeks and drainages this year, as there was last year. In some places, people are trying to cultivate the rice with the water pumped from the reservoirs. We have already planted paddies since a month ago. If it is not raining, we local farmers will face difficulties,” said U Than Lwin, a local farmer from Nat Ma Hot Kalay village.

“We have water pumps, but no water. Some local farmers are digging the artesian wells in an attempt to reach the uderground water,” said U Thein Aung, a local farmer from Man Lae Ywar Thit Gone village.

“Some are farming with the use of irrigation water, while others are cultivating with water from Yaydwingon dam and Indawchaung dam. Main paddy species we grow are Lone Thwai Hmwe, AyarMin, and Hsin Akary-3. We also cultivate sticky rice and other rice species. We have stored Hsin Akeary-3 in case of an emergency,” said U Thein Khine, the Head of Township Agriculture Department.

Last year, there were over 56,550 acres of monsoon paddy in Indaw Township, according to the Township Agricultural Land Management and Statistics Department.—Maung Chit Lin (Indaw)
(Translated by Hay Mar)