Independence Day celebration held in Mawlamyine

Mawlamyine, 2 January

A ceremony to unveil an event showcasing the documentary photos of the Independence struggles and development activities carried out by the local government was held at the city hall in Mawlamyine, Mon State this morning. 




The event was opened by Chief Minister of Mon State Dr. Aye Zan, Mon State Minister for Security and Border Affairs Col Nay Htut Oo, and Mon State Minister for Electricity, Energy and Industry U Hla Tunb by cutting a ceremonial ribbon. They then viewed round the booths. The event to mark the 72nd anniversary of Independence Day aims to put documentary photos of Myanmar’s independence struggle, visits of the Head of State to Mon State, developmental tasks and activities undertaken by the local government on display and it lasts till 7 January.




Also present on the occasion were the deputy speaker of Mon State parliament, Mon State chief-justice, Mon State advocate-general, departmental staff and students.—Wai Lin (IPRD)

Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe