Informative talk about human trafficking prevention conducted in Bhamo

Bhamo 14 September

A ceremony to open the seventh Anti-Trafficking in Persons Day of Myanmar was held at the hall of Aungtakhon in B.E.H.S-1 in Bhamo, Kachin State yesterday.

At the talk, the District Administrator U Htway Myint read out a speech delivered by Vice President U Henry Van Thio on Anti-Trafficking in Persons Day of Myanmar and shared knowledge about human trafficking with the projector. Then, handouts on human trafficking awareness were given away to attendees.

Altogether 250 people including the state Hluttaw Representative U Zaw Thin, the District Administrator U Htway Myint, Police Major Toe Lwin from the District Police Station, departmental officials, Police Capt. Kyaw Moe Naing from the Anti-human Trafficking Police Force-12 and policemen members, social organizations and students attended the talk, it is learnt.—U Maung Yi (Bhmo)
Translated by JT