Informative talk about rule of law delivered in Deemoso Tsp

Deemoso, 25 July 

Kayah State Rule of Law and Justice Coordination Group gave talks about its functions and legal affairs at the town hall of Nan Mae Khon town in Deemoso Township this morning. 

Firstly, U Sai Kyaw Zan, leader of the group said that the group was formed to help settle the difficulties in the areas of legal affairs faced by local people. He also said that the group has been making journeys to townships in the state to make local people aware of the functions of the group, conducting informative talks about legal affairs. He also invited the audience to raise questions concerning rule of law. 

Then, members of the group including deputy director U Moe Zaw Lin from the state General Administration Department, Daw Lwin Lwin Than, law officer, police major Thein Myint Zaw, deputy commander of the district police force, police major Win Naing of Anti-Drug Squad-20, police captain Win Thwin Oo of Traffic Police and police major Myo Lwin of Anti-human trafficking squad gave talks about the assistances given by the group for rule of law, the need for strong evidence in lawsuits, the role of Myanmar police force, the danger of drugs, traffic safety rules, migration and human trafficking. 

A total of 200 people including village administrators and local people heard the talk.—Riyal ( Deemoso)

Translated bu Khine Thaw