Installation of LED ensures public safety in Thanlyn

Thanlyn 11 January


A total of 327 LED (100W) were jointly installed by the Township Development Committee and Township Electric Power Transmission Corporation in wards with dim light in Thanlyn Township, according to the township development committee.




The installation of LED at roads ensures the public safety and contributes to crime reduction efforts in the township. Just as the introduction of street lights with Hluttaw’s budget K 100 million, local residents are necessary to cooperate in undertaking the developmental tasks, said MP U Nay Lin Aung of Thanlyn Township No-1 Constituency of regional Hluttaw.




Pyidawtha road with 16 LED, Bogyoke Nay Win road with 93, Thietpan road with 19, Theinkyaung road with 45, Thatipatan road with 32, Lamadaw road with 21, Maga road with 10, Banyaroo road with 19, Thittaw road with 12, Thiri road with 5, Park with 8, Thaukt awtwin road with 2, Nanthargone-1 road with 6, Hninse road with 13, Myothit road with 16 and Padauk road with 10, totaling 327 bulbs were installed.


Thet Khaing (Thanlyn)


Translated by Suyee