Instruction manual for implementing of case management system launched

29 December

The ceremony for introducing the instruction manual for implementing a case management system was held at Hotel Max in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.

Speaking at the event, Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Dr Win Myat Aye said Myanmar is a developing country and there are many public needs to be fulfilled.

The related ministries are working together to provide clean water, sufficient electricity, better communications, inclusive education and health to those people who are suffering from social hardships. The changing era and social media are also making the cases more complicated, Dr Win Myat Aye said.

The Union Minister called for systematically solving the cases of children, women, disabled persons and the aged, and said that his ministry was helping the victims of social hardships and natural disasters, by conducting rehabilitation activities.

Based on policies and laws, and drawing up strategies, work procedures are being established to carry out rehabilitation works. The ministry drew up the national social protection strategy in 2014, and a case management instruction manual was prepared in 2015.

As the 2015 manual mainly focused on children, the new instruction manual is to cover all genders and all ages. There are many hardships in human life, the Union Minister added.

He also called for cooperation among responsible persons in the departments and organizations. The new manual includes instructions needed for cooperation. In implementing the manual, human capacity development is also required.

Therefore, the ministry is creating case managers and case supervisors. If social organizations, NGOs, the UN and INGO work together, the implementing of the case management system will be successful, the Union Minister said.

Afterwards, the Union Minister posed for a group photo, together with representatives from international organizations and UN organizations.

The launched instruction manual for implementing the case management system will assist the socioeconomic reforming process in the country. —MNA (Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun)