Israel attacks Iranian targets in Syria

14 January


Israel's Prime Minister says the country's military carried out an airstrike on Iranian targets in Syria.




Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Sunday that the air force attacked Iranian warehouses containing Iranian weapons near the international airport in Damascus.


He said that Israel is determined more than ever to take action against Iran in Syria.


Syrian media also reported that the Israeli military conducted an airstrike around the Damascus airport on Friday night on military facilities of Iran and the Lebanese Shia Muslim group Hezbollah.


Israel has reportedly been attacking the positions of Iran in Syria, saying the country is involved in the Syrian civil war and extending its power.


But it is rare for Israel to acknowledge its attacks.


The US decision to withdraw its troops from Syria has raised concern in Israel that Iran may further expand its presence in Syria.


Netanyahu's announcement is seen as an effort to stress to his people that Israel will not ease its hardline policy on Iran.