Johnson pledges leaving EU on January 31

25 November

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised that his country will leave the European Union by the January 31 deadline.

He launched the Conservative Party's manifesto for the election on December 12 in the central English town of Telford on Sunday.

Johnson promised to present his Brexit deal to Parliament before Christmas and leave the EU by January 31, 2020.

He also said that he will not extend the implementation period beyond December 2020.

Supporters cheered when Johnson said " Get Brexit done, unleash Britain's potential."

The Conservative Party is leading in most recent polls with more than 10 points over its largest opponent, the Labour Party.

The Sunday Times reported in its latest edition that based on their research the Conservatives are expected to win a majority on December 12.

In 2017 the Conservatives had a comfortable lead early in the election campaign, but they ended up losing their majority in the Parliament.