Junior military medical officers urged to enhance leadership capacity

December 19


Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing yesterday morning delivered an address at the passing out parade at the parade ground of the 24th Intake of Defence Services Medical Academy in Yangon.


The Senior General took a salute from the cadet battalions and inspected the graduation cadet company.


The Senior General presented the Best Cadet Award to Cadet Aung Kyaw Min, Excellent Award in Training to Cadet Saw Pyae Aung and Excellent Award in Studies to Cadet Naing Ye Hla.


On the occasion, the Senior General delivered a speech. He said: As Tatmadaw is ready to assist the people whenever natural disasters occur, medical officers and military personnel of the Directorate of Medical Services actively participated in the rescue, relief, and rehabilitation process of the storm victims.


CRPH, NUG, and PDF terrorists committed the persuasion of health staff, including medical doctors and nurses, to be CDMs with pressure and intimidation to stop the mechanism of healthcare services of the State. Moreover, those terrorists set fire to hospitals and dispensaries.


They carried out bomb attacks several times while committing threats, bullying with pressure and killing medical doctors, nurses and health staff.


Taking lessons from the worst incidents committed by terrorist groups over health staff, military medical officers and service personnel have to safeguard the people with healthcare services of medical knowledge as well as security awareness and political knowledge in the health sector.


As they are military medical officers and junior leaders, they have to uplift their leadership capacity. They must dutifully accomplish the assigned missions with correct leadership over subordinates and be courageous and gallant junior leaders.


They must apply medical knowledge taught by the DSMA and experience in providing healthcare services to ethnic people, Tatmadaw members, and families and raising their health awareness.


The Senior General urged them to build themselves up with physical and mental strengths and noble spirit to become medical scientists and capable officers on whom the State and Tatmadaw rely.


After saluting the cadet companies, the Senior General left the parade ground.


Also present at the parade were Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Senior General, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Zeya Kyawhtin Sithu Moe Aung and wife, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Zeya Kyawhtin Sithu Tun Aung and wife, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, officials, parents of graduated cadets and faculty members of DSMA.


Next, the Senior General met with outstanding cadets at the Headquarters of the DSMA and spoke words of honour.


In the evening, the Senior General attended the graduation dinner of the 24th Intake of DSMA, which took place at the convocation hall of the DSMA in Yangon. — MNA/TTA