Kachin traditional new harvest feast

13 January

ASvarious  ethnics  residing  in  Myan-mar  hold  respec-tive festivals in ac-cordance with their traditions yearly, new harvest feasts are significant ones among them. At a time when harvesting of their crops, especially paddy are carried out, new harvest feasts  take  place  in  their  regions.

Generally,  Kachin  ethnics  organize  new  harvest  feasts  in  December.  Due  to  invitation  to  me  for  at-tending the feast, I recent-ly  went  to  Ywathit  Village  in  Mohnyin  Township  of Kachin State.



Mohnyin Township, the res-idence of Kachin ethnics reside

Mohnyin Township, a resi-dence of Kachin ethnics, sharing  border  with  Moegaung,  Shwegu,  Indaw,  Homalin  and  Hpakant  townships,  is  locat-ed  in  Kachin  State  of  northern   Myanmar.   Currently,   Mohnyin  District  is  formed  with Mohnyin, Moegaung and Hpakant townships.

Based on the statistics re-leased in March 2017, Mohnyin Township was constituted with two towns, nine wards and 127 villages from 37 village-tracts. The  population  in  Mohnyin  Township totalled 205,238, in-cluding  13,710  Kachin  ethnic  people and 74,327 Shan ethnic people.

Indawgyi Lake, the largest fresh water lake of the nation located in Mohnyin Township, is  surrounded  by  19  villages,  Ywathit Village of which is the smallest.

There are some 300 hous-es  in  Ywathit  Village  from  Lonsant Village-tract, 30 miles from Hopin of Mohnyin Township.

The  village  is  more  than  two hours drive from Hopin by motorcycle. Red Shan, Bamar and Kachin ethnics are residing  in  the  village  with  faiths  in Buddhism and Christianity. Hence,  the  Buddhist  monas-tery and Christian church are situated  in  the  village  where  local  people  reside  together  without  discrimination  of  re-ligions. Red Shan and Bamar ethnics with faith in Buddhism hold new harvest feasts in line with  Buddhism  traditions  whereas  Kachin  ethnics  with  faith  in  Christianity  organize  the same feasts in Christianity traditions.

At the new harvest feasts, Buddhists  invite  members  of  the Sangha to offer the meals made  of  earliest  harvested paddy while Christians invite Fathers to hold the services.

New  harvest  feasts  are  held  in  the  region  after  har-vesting  monsoon  paddy  on  a  yearly basis. Despite growing soya bean, groundnut and oth-er  vegetables  in  the  region,  local  people  hold  the  feasts  on  the  month  when  paddy  is  harvested.

Red Shan and other Shan ethnics enjoy the ceremony to offer  meals  made  of  earliest  paddy in conjunction with the New Year Festival in Ywathit Village.  Meanwhile,  Kachin ethnics hold the new harvest feasts  at  their  residences  in-dividually.

Eve of new harvest feast

The  Christian  host  must  invite  the  Father  in  advance  who would give blesses to res-idents of the village before the feast. In the evening of the eve of  feast,  relatives  of  the  host  and  friends  in  the  village  including lads and lasses participate in cooking rice and meals to  be  served  to  the  guests  in  the feast. They all cook meals in the residence of the host.

The  new  harvest  feast  is  held with serving meals made of earliest paddy of the year to the guests.

On the eve of new harvest feast,  local  people  carry  out  cooking  of  meals  and  cutting  and  cleaning  banana  leaves  at  the  host’s  residence.  As  participants  of  the  feast  will  have  rice  and  meals  on  banana leaves, rice and meals for guests must be packed with the use  of  leaves  and  kept  in  the  baskets. The host can choose meals for the feast as he likes in addition to salad of banana bud, fried vegetables, pounded shrimp-paste and soups for the guests. One packet of rice and two or three packets of meals for each guest have to be put into the plastic bags.

Being a donation of early rice, local people use the rice, the  soonest  harvested  from  their farms in the year, for the feast.

Every  household  breeds  pigs  and  chickens  in  Ywathit  Village. They dub breeding of pigs  as  savings.  If  number  of  guests is larger in the donation ceremonies including the new harvest feast, the host serves the guests with pork curry.

Time of new harvest feast

In  the  morning,  the  alms  made of newly harvested rice are offered to members of the Sangha at the Buddhists’ new harvest feast and then villag-ers  are  served  with  meals.  Likewise, Christians treat the Christian  fathers  and  guests  with rice made of earliest har-vested paddy and meals.

With regard to the feast of Christians, candles at the altar decorated with flowers are lit at the time when the house of host  is  full  of  guests,  and  the  host  explains  the  purpose  of  the  feast.  The  father  who  led the  congregation  reads  the  excerpts  from  the  Christian  Bible and gives blesses for all to enjoy fine weather in com-ing  year,  high  per-acre  yield  of  crops,  fruits  of  peace  and  stability of the community and good health conditions of families.  The  congregation  sings  Gospel Christian songs.

At the ceremony I attend-ed as a special guest, the host and  the  father  wore  Kachin  traditional  costumes  and  put  on  the  turbans.  They  helped  me  wear  Kachin  traditional  turban.  Some  of  attendances also came to the ceremony by wearing  Kachin  traditional  costumes.

After the praying, a bam-boo  tumpline  was  given  as  a  gift to the father. The host gave similar  bags  not  only  to  the  father  but  to  special  guests  from far distance.

The bamboo tumpline decorated  with  beautiful  flowers  comprised one pyi of rice or a large taro, a long ginger plant, a pumpkin, packets of rice and meals, and a long envelope in which  honorarium  for  the  father was kept.

After  the  praying,  all  the  guests had the rice and meals packaged by leaves served by the  host  family.  At  that  time,  they used foods in leaves but dishes. They all sat on the mats without using tables and chairs for having the rice and meals. This showed unity of the local people.

Kachin  ethnics  do  not  serve  the  guests  with  intoxi-cating brew at the new harvest feast but they give the brew to the guests at other festivals.

Although the feast hosted by  individuals  ended  its  pro cess after serving the guests, the collective feasts continued festivities in the evening with songs and dances. Sometimes, the new harvest feast was held in conjunction with the X’mas festival, Kachin ethnic U Mar Tu explained. If so, the ceremo-ny is crowded with large num-ber of guests who wish to join the entertainments. Christian youths  from  the  village  have  been practising the traditions by  singing  Gospel  Christian  songs of praying for the houses  including  the  residence  of  host for the new harvest feast in their traditions since yore.

The  knife  not  used  to  cut  off  and  the  spear  not  used  to stab
After  completion  of  the  feast, Kachin ethnic U Mar Tu showed me Kachin traditional knife  which  was  never  used  in  cutting  off  and  the  spear  not used in stabbing. The two stored  for  a  long  time  were  dirty with dust.

U  Mar  Tu  explained  that  the  old  and  faded  knife  and  spear  were  invaluable.  The  two  given  by  parents  of  the  bride at the wedding reception must be tied by bamboo straps. These objects were called the knife not used to cut off and the spear not used to stab because of  never  using  them.  He  had  never tied these objects off.

The  knife  and  spear  are  kept on the rack above the fire-place.  So,  they  are  dirty  and  filled with dust. But, the host shows  these  objects  by  taking  pride  of  these  objects  for  Kachin ethnics to the guests.

As  holding  ethnic  tradi-tional festivals with respective faiths  since  the  time  of  their  forefathers remain unchanged as intangible cultural heritages, new generations need to contin-uously preserve the ethnic tra-ditions for perpetual existence.

By Kaung Sithu
Translated by Than Tun Aung