Keep joining hands in unity for fight against global pandemic

13 Sep

Myanmar reported its first COVID-19 cases in late March this year. The Ministry of Health and Sports confirmed that two men who travelled to the United States and the United Kingdom tested positive. After nearly one month of the imported cases, a local transmission emerged, Case-376, a woman from Sittway, Rakhine State, who had no travel history and no record of contact with an infected person.

From the days of ‘zero’ figure to date, the government did its best to protect all the nationals from the global pandemic. Without having advanced technology or wealth, the government provided possible assistance to people from all strata of society—from the grass-roots level to the business sector. In recent days, the virus has posed a great challenge to the people in almost all areas. Meanwhile, new cases have provoked some criticisms among the people on the management of quarantine procedures and stay-at-home programmes.

It is believed that public remarks are aimed for the good of the nation and all people, and the government will take them into consideration. Even though some comments seem to be assumptions and mixed with emotion, they reflect on good intentions for the well-being of people.

In any circumstance, officials and ordinary people need to join their hands in facing against the COVID-19, even while international communities are providing their assistance to Myanmar for overcoming the pandemic. Myanmar people must develop a single attitude which is ‘People are the key’ to confront all the challenges.